Mama + baba

Nurturing balanced, reciprocal relationships between Afrikan men and women is a foundation stone upon which we can construct healthy, culturally sovereign families. It is within these marital bonds of spiritual intimacy that the highest forms of unity can be actualized and put to use for the physical salvation of our people.

Healthy, sovereign marriages ARE about feeding each other so we can better feed our people. 

Complimentary relationships are about mutual respect and accountability on behalf of our children, our community, and our ancestors. We strive to honor balance within our relationship and in doing so we challenge ourselves to achieve higher levels of truth in all arenas of life.

mama jahi

I am Queen Mother of two, wife, and wedded to Afrikan liberation. I’m devoted to restoring the prestige of motherhood, wifehood, & sisterhood and its empowering roles in bringing balance to our homes and communities. Through intentional speech and creative work, I aim to show how defending the sacredness of the these roles should be at the heart of all we as women aspire to be.

Mothering is a calling, a lifelong rites of passage, a glimpse at future generations, and a living/breathing love letter to The Creator.

baba jahi

I am a husband, father of two, and Afrikan educator committed to the forward progress of Afrikan people worldwide. I am a passionate advocate of culturally-informed education, a lifelong commitment that I honor through homeschooling not only my children, but those in the community as well.

Afrikan manhood demands consciousness, militancy, loyalty, sacrifice, a solid work ethic, a teacher’s mentality, and an unswerving commitment to growth in all arenas of life. 


When we as a collective reclaim the sacredness of our relationships we are laying a solid foundation for the psychological, emotional, and spiritual development of nations.

That journey begins in the hearts and minds of our people committed to the restoration of wholeness in our homes.



Here we discuss different issues relevant to the Afrikan community from psychological crises, historical development, and general family organization to help further the liberation of our people.