our children

For our people it is the welfare of children that lay at the center of all social organization. When we invest in the mental and spiritual development of our children we are protecting the integrity of our communities while ensuring that we will be remembered as ancestors and a source positive inspiration.

“Children are our greatest technology.”

—Dr. Llaila Afrika

Strong minded


Growing up in an Afrikan environment supplies children with mental, emotional, and spiritual resources that are otherwise unavailable in the west. As a child exposed to the wealth of Afrikan living, Mikey exemplifies the creative renewal that comes from being immersed in a community of caring parents, elders, and peers. In addition to fulfilling his responsibilities to at home, he enjoys reading, writing, drawing, chess, learning Kiswahili, playing basketball with his friends, and helping to take care of this younger brother. As an aspiring author and artist, he aims to inspire positive changes in the lives of all Afrikan children.


Jahi is the first member of both our families to be born on the continent in over 500 years. In his growth and development we envision the restart of the lineage in its natural environment far removed from the captivity of the western world. As his first name suggests, Jahi’s presence is deeply symbolic of a future rich with dignity and promise.



child-rearing WORKSHOP

In N’kisi: Raising and Caring for Our Children the Afrikan Way we propose a holistic method of childrearing that incorporates the best of our traditions and community in unlocking the spiritual potential of our sons and daughters.


When nationbuilding is linked with childrearing we make it a priority of the highest order to produce healthy, whole children who derive positive inspiration from the example of their parents. This begins by supplying them with a solid cultural grounding on which they can build a vision for the liberation of their people.

Progress from an Afrikan perspective is more than what occurs within a single lifetime. True progress can be measured in the generational transmission of sacred values which further our physical and spiritual wellness. Embodying our role as parents means becoming the walimu (teachers) that maintain balance within our homes and the wider community with the mission of dismantling dysfunction in our families & destroying generational curses that have plagued our lineage for centuries.

let’s honor

OUR children with the environments we subject them to and not the things we buy them.

art showcase

Pour into your children so they will grow up to pour more into their people.

Explore the culturally inspired designs of our eldest son through his digital art: